Authorized Institutional Representative

The Authorized Institutional Representative is an individual(s) who can represent, commit and legally bind the University on applications or proposals submitted to sponsors and to represent the University in negotiations for and administration of sponsored programs and their associated activities

The Vice Chancellor and Provost has delegated to the OSP director, and research administrators the authority to serve as Authorized Institutional Representatives on applications.

Deans, chairs, faculty and staff are not authorized to obligate the University on paper or electronic applications or proposals or to execute the resulting grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts for sponsored projects.  See also University Policy on Contracts with External Parties.

The director is also authorized to sign grants or contracts, license agreements and other agreements associated with the University’s research and technology transfer functions, with a value up to one-half million dollars. In addition the Director is authorized to sign any documents necessary or advisable in connection with those agreements (e.g., material transfer agreements (MTA), non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements, teaming agreements, etc.).