On occasion, an individual who has not yet officially started at SU may want to apply through OSP in anticipation of their appointment, or to transfer a proposal submitted by another institution to SU. In such instances, OSP will require from the individual’s chair or supervisor:
- confirmation of anticipated appointment and start date; and
- anticipated salary.
For non-faculty appointments, OSP may seek the advice of Human Resources to confirm the reasonableness of the proposed salary.
New Investigators will also need to complete the following items so OSP can submit the proposal:
- the Disclosure of Financial Interest Form which is available via MySlice for all university employees actively engaged in sponsored research. Investigators who have yet yet arrived at Syracuse University but will be submitting a proposal will need to complete a Paper FCOI Disclosure Form and submit it to the Office of Research at vpr@syr.edu .
- the Internal Routing and Review Form, which is also signed by the chair, any other key or senior personnel, and if applicable, the dean of the school/college; and
- any other application-specific items that may be needed.
The following information/resources may also be helpful to PI’s new to SU:
- about when proposal materials should be provided to OSP (our internal deadlines),
- 2017 Indirect and Fringe Rate Agreement, and
- the SU Budget Template.
Additional instructions for NSF or NIH applications
When the individual has a FASTLANE account.
- The future faculty member should change their existing FASTLANE PI profile to reflect their syr.edu email address and Syracuse University affiliation shortly before the application’s submission.
- These fields can be changed back to the current institution after proposal submission to allow ongoing NSF grant business.
- If an syr.edu account isn’t available, a personal email account may be used and changed to the syr.edu email when created.
When the individual does not have a FASTLANE account.
OSP would create one and will need:
- The faculty member’s highest degree and year conferred.
- The syr.edu email account.
- If an syr.edu account isn’t available, a personal email account may be used and changed to the syr.edu email when created.
When the individual has an NIH’s eRA Commons account.
OSP will affiliate that individual with SU.
- The faculty member will need to update his or her Personal Profile in the eRA Commons including the syr.edu email account.
- PIs with multiple institution affiliations can easily change the institution by clicking the hyperlinked institution in the login information section.
When the individual does not have an NIH’s eRA Commons account.
OSP would create one; needed are:
- The faculty member’s syr.edu email
- If an syr.edu account isn’t available, a personal email account may be used and changed to the syr.edu email when created.