Before You Begin

Before you get started with proposal development and submission, you’ll need to make sure that key/ senior personnel (e.g. co-PIs, Co-Investigators, Investigators, etc.) proposed to work on a sponsored project are up to date with all applicable University policies and procedures.  OSP reviews every proposal to assure that all named key/ senior personnel are currently eligible and compliant with the relevant University requirements.  Please familiarize yourself, and ensure that all key/ senior personnel have read and agreed to the following University requirements before proceeding further with the proposal submission process.

  • Principal Investigator (PI) Eligibility
    • This guidance informs applicants of the faculty and staff titles that are eligible to serve as a PI or co-PI, and also includes a waiver process.
  • Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Policy
    • This University Policy is required by the federal government as a means to ensure that research will be free from bias and objectivity preserved.
  • Intellectual Property Agreement (IPA)
  • Internal Routing and Review Form (IRR)
    • This required document is the primary data intake form utilized by OSP.  It informs us of such important items as; who is working on the project, what agency are we submitting to, and are all necessary resources and approvals in place to conduct the project.
  • Other Support/Current & Pending Support
    • Current and Pending Support, also known as Other Support, is a form typically used by federal sponsors to request information for the PI(s) and Key Personnel’s current and pending research projects.

For more information regarding how far in advance to work with OSP prior to proposal submission, please consult the OSP Service Guidelines.