Fundamental Principles


The following fundamental principles underlie the University’s policies and practices pertaining to sponsored programs administration. Deviations in associated policies, including acceptance of terms and conditions inconsistent with these fundamental principles, require the approval of the Vice President for Research.

Academic Freedom
The right to choose the manner and direction of research must reside with the researcher. While the agreement resulting from an application or proposal submitted can require the completion of a statement of work proposed, no sponsor may direct a faculty member or student to perform a specific task.

Publication Rights
Sponsors may not restrict the right of the faculty or students to publish the results of their research.  A reasonable delay, to secure protection of intellectual property or to assure that no confidential or proprietary information is included in manuscripts, may be granted on a case-by-case basis.  Normally, a “reasonable delay” is defined as 60 days.

Student Participation
An important part of the University’s educational mission is student involvement in research.  Highest priority is given to projects that provide support for graduate student participation in research or instructional activities.

Copyright/Patent Rights
The rights of faculty and students as inventors and creators must be protected.  Additionally, the University must meet its obligations to the sponsors of research projects, particularly federal sponsors.  The Policy on Ownership and Management of Syracuse University Intellectual Property ensures the protection of the rights of the creator(s) and the ability of the University to meet its responsibilities to its sponsors.  See Faculty Manual Section 3.23.

Data and Property Rights
The ownership of these items may be retained by the sponsor provided that the University is given the unrestricted right to use all information in its research and educational activities.

Classified and Proprietary Information

  1. University policy prohibits the conduct of classified research on its premises.  No classified information may be stored on campus or retained by the researcher nor can the results of any research be designated as classified.
  2. Proprietary information will be afforded the same level of protection that the University affords its own similar confidential information, provided that:
    • prior to disclosure, the sponsor provides written notification identifying the proprietary information and persons to receive it;
    • the University has signed an agreement to protect the information and filed it with the Office of Sponsored Programs or the Office of Technology Transfer and Industrial Development; and
    • the receipt of such information will not prohibit publication.

University faculty members cannot serve as “consultants” on any agreement awarded to the University but must be compensated for grant or contract work through payroll. Faculty members may serve as consultants for third parties in accordance with University policy. (See Faculty Manual Sections 3.42 and 3.43)

No faculty member may be committed to more than 100 percent effort responsibilities, whether compensated by the University, a sponsor, or combination of both, i.e. 8.5 months during the academic year or 3.5 months during the summer period.

University Name and Trademark
The University’s name, seal, or logo by non-University parties may not be used without the express written permission of the appropriate University officials. (Business Operations/Licensing, Auxiliary Services)

Affirmative Action
The University’s Affirmative Action policy prohibits accepting any agreement that restricts participation in a research or other project on the basis of race, color, religion, marital status, sex, sexual preference, national origin, disability, age, or being a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era.

Public Disclosure
No agreement may prohibit disclosure of the project or the source of support.