Changes to the Subrecipient Monitoring Process

Effective July 1, 2019, the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will no longer accept subrecipient invoices forwarded from parties other than the authorized financial representative of the subrecipient entity.  This change is being made to preserve an “arm’s length” relationship between Syracuse University and every subrecipient.  Moving in this direction will also increase efficiencies and transparency.

Invoices are to be submitted directly to the Subaward Administrator at

Subrecipient invoices must:

  • Be generated by the subrecipient entity’s financial system of record;
  • Be formatted using the method consistent with the independent entity’s invoicing practices;
  • Reflect charges that are approved and allowable under the terms of the subaward agreement;
  • Itemize charges in a manner that is constant with the approved budget contained in the subaward agreement;
  • Include only expenditures that are supported by detailed backup (i.e. receipts, payroll…). This backup must be made available on request.

The Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for managing contractual and financial aspects of all collaborations involving subrecipients.  In order to improve efficiencies and minimize confusion, OSP will work directly with the personnel from each entity to insure that the relationship is properly communicated from the beginning of the project period.

OSP understands that failure to adequately monitor the compliance of subrecipients could result in damage to Syracuse University’s reputation, and has the potential to jeopardize current and future funding.  It is the responsibility of The Office of Sponsored Programs on behalf of Syracuse University, as the pass-through entity, to ensure the good stewardship of sponsored funding.

Further information can be found at Working with Subrecipients